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Mrs Shah update
08 Dec 2023
In English this week, we looked at pho

tos from Paddington at the zoo, and drew out adjectives about the different zoo animals we looked at adding the suffix ‘ing’ to the end of words. Children also completed a book review of Paddington Story.
In Maths, we have completed our Geometry unit about 2D and 3D shapes and have been revisiting and consolidating previous learning from the year. We have looked at counting forwards and backwards to 20, using a number line and solving missing number problems.
In Science, we learnt about float and sink. We chose different objects from the class, we then predicted if the object would float or sink, we then checked if our predictions were correct or incorrect by putting chosen objects in to a transparent container full of water.
Important Dates/ Reminders
- Please don’t forget to book your tickets to watch our Christmas Nativity on either Wednesday 13th am or Thursday 14th December pm.
- We are visiting Wennington Church on Thursday 14th December 2023 in the morning. We will be walking to the church so please ensure children have appropriate footware and clothing i.e gloves/hats/scarf and suitable jacket in case if it rains.
- Monday 18th December- afternoon tea. This is for the children only. If you have not already, please return your RSVP slip and donation. Thank you 😊