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Mrs Shah update
24 Nov 2023
In English this week we have been learning about writing instructions. For our first lesson the children had to make instructions for the teacher to follow to make a maramalde sandwich. The children have been learning to use imperative verbs and ensure their instructions are clear, specific and written in a full sentence.
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning to add and subtract 1 or 2 to a given number using many different strategies. Next week, we will start learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
In DT we have started to create our car/taxis. The children enjoyed assembling the different pieces needed and putting them all together.
Important Dates/ Reminders
- Friday 1st December- Non-uniform day. Instead of donating £1 children in year 1 have been asked to donate a pink item for our Christmas hampers. This pink item could be bubble bath, chocolate, candle etc.
- Monday 18th December- afternoon tea. This is for the children only. If you have not already, please return your RSVP slip and donation. Thank you 😊