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Mrs Shah update
22 Sep 2023
This week, children have been writing a character description about Elastigirl. They thought carefully about their sentences and checking that they made sense. They have also been focusing on constructing sentences and understanding differences between single sounds, words and sentences.
In Maths, children have been identifying one more and one less than any given number. They really impressed the teachers with their knowledge although it was a little trickier to find the missing number problems.
In History, Year 1 have started to learn about Florence Nightingale. This week they created timelines containing key events from her life. In Science, our topic is seasonal changes, this week children learnt about changes that takes place in winter. In Art, we learnt to use detail in our drawing and to make the correct colour choices.
Please be reminded that all Year 1 parents are encouraged to attend the phonics workshop on Wednesday 18
th October. This will now be held from 2:45-3:15.