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Reception Summer 1 Week 2
Mrs Divall - 24 Apr 2023
This week in maths, we have been learning some brand new skills.
We have been learning all about doubling, halving and odd and even numbers! We have also been practising sharing out amounts equally. The children have done really well so far with learning the new skills as they have been introduced and we will continue to work on them to consolidate their understanding.
In Topic work we have been retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs. We have been building their houses and later in the week, will hear an alternative ending to this traditional tale. We have created a story map of the important parts of the story. We are trying out best to use our phonic and handwriting knowedge to write simple words and sentences about the story.
In phonics we have continued our learning in small groups. Please refer to the phonics homework sheet which will be given out on Friday to support your child's learning this week.
Please check that all of your child's school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled. So many jumpers are now not labelled it is almost impossible for us to return them to their rightful owners. Some name stickers/pen may have washed off, so even if you think your child's uniform is labelled, it is worth checking as it is frustrating for everyone when uniform is not locatable or returnable.