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Year 1 Spring 1 Week 6
10 Feb 2022
This week Year 1 continued to sequence the story ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’. The children also recapped using capital letters for proper nouns. Finally, this week the children wrote a book review for our focus story. They considered their most favourite and least favourite part of the story and their favourite character and explained this.
In Maths, the children learned how to subtract using a number line. The children applied the skills they had already mastered for subtraction so they were brilliant at using this method to take away.
This week has been Mental Health Week. Therefore, Year 1 have spent some time discussing emotions and understanding that no emotion lasts forever. They thought about the people that they could speak to if they needed help then created their own support balloons. In Science, the children began to learn about Spring. They considered the differences between Winter and Spring such as the temperature, daylight hours and the trees.