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Year 1 Spring 1 Week 5
04 Feb 2022
This week the children wrote setting and character descriptions. They ensured that they included adjectives and tried hard to include conjunctions to extend their sentences. Next week the children will be sequencing the ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ story and writing a book review.
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning to add by counting on from 10. At first, they found this challenging but with great perseverance, they are beginning to get the hang of it!
In Science, the children learned about how to keep healthy. They discussed how important it is to look after ourselves by washing, brushing our teeth, exercising, resting and eating healthily. In History, they began to look at family trees. They discussed who belonged in their family such as brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents. This helped the children to understand that even their parents were babies once who have made lots of changes throughout their lives.