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Year 1 Spring 1 Week 4
27 Jan 2022
This week has been very eventful! Year 1 received a letter from Bunting who is a character from our focus story 'Lost in the Toy Museum'. Bunting had written them a letter to ask for their help to find the missing toys. Therefore, the children created missing posters for one of the lost toys. Later in the week, the children made their own 'What am I?' game based around a toy from the past.
In Maths, Year 1 have been practising their number bonds to 10. It would be great if you could support your child in learning their number bonds at home too so that they can confidently recall them to support their Maths activities. They have also been ordering numbers from the greatest to the smallest or the smallest to the greatest.
This week the children have been looking at the changes they have made since they were a baby. Lots noticed that they had grown hair, grown in size, could walk and talk and now have teeth. Some had even started to lose their baby teeth already! It would be great if you could show your child a picture of themselves as a baby to identify the changes they've already made. If your child would like to bring a picture in to show the class, this would be great.