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1K Autumn term 2 Wk 1
05 Nov 2021
Welcome back. Our topic for this term is Superheroes.
We have written a description of a superhero and started looking at the features of a letter. This is in preparation for writing a letter to a superhero later in the term.
The children have been really good at using the part-whole model and using the correct terminology.
Our topic this term is looking at Everyday materials, children looked at the difference between what an object is and identified the different materials objects are made from.
We have been looking at real-life superheroes who have shaped and helped change the world we live in.
As always homework for the week is to log in to numbots and practice your maths skills to build fluency.
Remember to read your phonics bag-book to your adult at least 4 times this week – don’t forget to talk about the book. Adults you can use the activities and questions on the last page and inside the back cover as guidance for the types to questions to ask.
From this coming Monday (8.11.21), your child will be given a spelling sheet every Monday for spellings covering green and red words they have been learning in their phonics groups. Spellings will take place on a Friday. Children do not need to bring the completed sheet to school.
You are welcome to complete any of the tasks on the Superhero homework map.
Below are links to this term’s newsletter and additional homework activities you may wish to complete outside of reading, spelling practice and maths with your child.
-2021 Autumn 2 Newsletter Year 1.pdf-
-2021 superheroes.pdf-