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1K Autumn 1 week 4
29 Sep 2021
It was an exciting week this week a Tyrannosaurs Rex visited our classroom and made an awful mess, leaving 1K to clean it all up! Children have enjoyed writing about their experiences. Apologies to any parents who may have had some slightly frightened children - they have all been assured the T-rex won’t be coming back!
This week in maths, we have been focusing on one more and one less and developing our understanding of what happens to numbers as we count forwards or backwards.
In Science, we have been learning about different types of cold weather and developing our vocabulary. For topic, we have begun designing our own dinosaur eggs.
This week, a letter will be sent home detailing how and where to log-on to access the Numbots website, login details are in your child’s reading record. Please read the letter carefully, as it will answer most questions. It is a progressive platform so the more often and accurately your child plays the more levels and skills will be unlocked. If you have any questions please ask.