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Oliver's Vegetable
Mrs Zaayman & Miss Kelly - 20 Mar 2020
In reception this week we have been learning about a book called Oliver's Vegetables. In maths, we have had a wonderful week learning about one more and one less of a given number.
In English, we have planned for a dinner party and written party invitiations and discussed our favourite foods.
In Topic, we have been very creative with different vegetables from planting them to trying them. We have also experimented with vegetable printing. It has been a super fun crazy week!
Home Learning packs
Today, the children were sent home with thier home learning packs & PE kits while your child is off school. We have also provided you with a example of our school timetable, this will give you an indication of how our daily routine and how it is implemented. On the front pack there are a number of different links for resources and activities you can do with your child, or that they can do independently. These same links have been added and published on the website (along with the complete pack) under 'Home Learning'.
Please stay healthy & safe and we hope to see you back really soon.
Mrs Zaayman, Miss Kelly & the Reception Team x