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Oh No George
Mrs Zaayman & Miss Kelly - 14 Feb 2020
In Reception this week, out topic has been ‘Oh No George’. George is a dog who made a mess everywhere when his owner Harris went out. In English this week we have been writing setences to describe how each of the characters are feeling in different parts of our story.
In maths we have been weighing dog food to see which side was heavier and lighter. We have also been finding dog bones and counting up to 20 using them.
In topic we have been looking at the different breeds of dogs and seeing if we can draw and label them. We have also written apology letters to Harris from George and spoke about the difference between good and bad choices.
Today, we have focused on Valentine’s Day and heard the story of St Valentine. We have also made our own Valentine’s Day cards to take home (we hope you like them!).
We have sent home PE kits today so they can be washed and returned back to school after half term. Please can you check your child’s PE kit and make sure it has their name clearly labelled inside each item of clothing and on the bag itself. As this make getting dressed for PE a little easier so we can clearly identify lost items.
The PE kit needs to be returned to school before the 28th February.
Also, can ensure your child has brings a water bottle to school everyday (especially on PE days) with their name clearly labelled. Thank you!!
We hope you have a lovely but restful half term break and we look forward to seeing you back on the 24
th February.
Mrs Zaayman, Miss Kelly & the Reception Team xx