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Emergency Services
Mrs Zaayman and Miss Kelly - 17 Jan 2020
In reception this week we have been learning about the emergency services. We have explored who they are, what they do and how we contact them. Following this, we made an emergency services role play area where the children could take the 999 call, and then rush to help the person in need.
We have started our new phonics groups this week and have been learning a range of sounds including v,y,w,z and x and revising m,s,d,t and i.
In literacy, we have been designing and labelling our own emergency service vehicles!
In maths, we have been joined by some new friends… Our new friends are Sally the Sphere (who is very silly), Cecil the cylinder, Colin the Cube, Polly the pyramid, Cuthbert the cuboid and Coney Conehead the Cone. We have looked at how many faces each shape has and whether they roll or slide. On Wednesday night, the shapes decided to go and play hide and seek in the garden, but they never came back. So, on Thursday morning, we discovered that they were gone and all had to go outside to try and find them! Luckily, we found them all and they were returned safely! Ask your children to see what shapes they remember?
Lastly, at playtime the children have the option to buy digestive biscuits or snack-a-jack rice cake or a babybel from the tuck shop. Please be aware this costs 30p. If you would like your child to buy from the tuck shop then please give them 30p to do so. Alternatively, if you want to provide your child with digestive or plain biscuits yourself, you can, however, please put them in their school bags and not in lunch boxes. Please note, this is completely optional and the children are always offered different fruit every day.
Next week our topic will be Chinese New Year.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Zaayman, Miss Kelly and the Reception Team x