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The last week of the first half term...
Mrs Divall & Mrs Zaayman - 17 Oct 2019
Woohoo- all the lovely children have made it to their very first half term and what a big well done they all deserve in doing the journey so well!
This week has been another busy week. We have been reading about a Spider in AHHHHHH Spider and this has lead us on a spider hunt in the garden. We then talked about the features of a spider and we even wrote and performed poems all about what we have found out. Make sure you scroll to the end of the page as instead of photos this week there are a few of the brilliant poems that we have composed.
In Maths we have been once again, focussing on number- counting using one to one correspondence, matching numerals to quantities and counting on one more etc. We have recapped our learning in Phonics for the term and so you only have one new sound to focus on over half term for homework. Along with practicing all of the sounds that we have sent home over half term, please also practice reading the last 5 tricky words we will be sending home for the term. In total there will be 15tricky words to keep thinking about and reading on sight and if these are grasped now we will all have a wonderful foundation going into the New Year, after Christmas.
As an additional ‘fun task’ for homework, each member of the Reception team have set a fun challenge to be completed. You can choose to do one, none or all four during the half term- all we ask is that you record them in some way either in a diary, a scrap book, photos so that they can all be shared when we get back to school.
Have a brilliant half term and enjoy the poetry below- Mrs Divall, Mrs Zaayman & the Reception Team xx
Making webs and scaring people,
Spiders are such fun.
They are fast and sometimes black,
They are big and small.
Making webs and scaring people,
Spiders are such fun.
By Reggie, Henry, Lilly, Maria, Katya, Fraiser, Kiara
We Like Spiders
Spiders, Spiders we like spiders,
They live everywhere.
They don’t like rain,
They have 8 long legs,
We love them so much.
Spiders, Spiders we like spiders,
They live everywhere.
They are hairy,
They are soft,
They like to eat flies.
Spiders, Spiders we like spiders,
They live everywhere.
By Adiy, Hana, Jakub, Ruqs