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Our First School Trip and More...

Mrs Divall & Mrs Zaayman - 05 Oct 2018

 We had a great start to the week with a fantastic trip to the Gruffalo Trail! The children had a wonderful time: travelling on the coach, looking for the characters, enjoying the forest and eating their lunch. Thank you to all the adults that came to help- it was lovely to see so many of you come! Below are a few of the pictures of the class enjoying their trip.










This week we have been learning n,p and g this week and enjoying learning the sounds that the letters make along with how to write them in the air. Some of us used our phonetical knowledge to write the names of some of the characters from The Gruffalo such as, Mouse, Gruffalo and Snake.
In Maths we have been looking at shapes. We have been identifying shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles and circles and using features to describe them. We have also made patterns using shapes and guessed the missing shape from a variety of shapes.

The children have made some lovely Gruffalo Crumble in the mud kitchen and they have also painted pictures of The Gruffalo. Using our circles from Maths, the children also made mouse pictures from various circles- they looked great!

Homework this week is focussed on mathcing the initial sounds n,p and g to the correct pictures. Please support your child in completing this as you have been doing each week. A big well done to Dylan, Grace , Amaya, Daisy- May and Tyler for doing extra homework at home this week- well done!

Please do remember to pack your child’s library book in their bag on a Thursday to be changed as lots of children haven’t had their books changed in over two weeks.
We hope you all have a brilliant weekend and enjoy the Autumn weather.
Mrs Divall, Mrs Zaayman, Mrs Agates & Miss Hunt.


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