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Super Daisy

Mrs Divall - 02 Jun 2015

 This week we are learning from:

 We will be learning :

what makes Earth a unique planet

how to make real life explosions....using diet coke and methos

making superhero fact files

designing a new planet....Planet Pea

dividing peas fairly between friends

doubling superheros to catch the baddies

If you would like to design a planet at home, or do some research on the other planets in our solar system, this will support your child's learning.

In phonics, each group are busy learning new sounds and reading new words.  Please practise recognising these sounds and practising reading some words that include these sounds at home.
I am very pleased with the children's progress in reading, keep up all the good work !

Mrs Divall's group: ea, a-e, i-e, o-e (as in peach, make, like, mode)
Miss Hopkins group : ay ee igh 
Miss Church's group : t p i n 

Kind Regards,

Mrs Divall :)
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