Reception DM - Mrs Degan & Mrs Moseley Class News

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Autumn 1 Weeks 1 & 2- Transition

11 Sep 2024

Hello and a big welcome to Reception!
We have really enjoyed getting to meet and know all of your lovely children. They have impressed us with how keen they have been to explore our provision and how well they have settled in. We have been singing songs and playing games. We are sharing our toys and equipment with our friends. 
The children are engaging in the classroom routines and are a great help at tidy up time. We have seen some lovely friendships begin to form and this will be a big focus this half-term. 
Please check your child's bags for letters, you will have received our half-termly newsletter, proud cloud, homework map as well as details about how to sign up to parent pay and information about money for "tuck"- a small snack at play time. 
Please make sure you send your child in with a water bottle every day as well as their book bag. Please also send a set of spare clothes in, labelled, for us to keep on their pegs. These do not need to be the school uniform. If your child would like to have milk and they have not been signed up yet, then please do this on the Havering Cool Milk website.
This week children have created self- portraits of themselves and practiced writing their names. Enjoy some pictures of your children enjoying their time at school during the transitions. 
The Reception Team x







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