Reception Autumn 2 Week 6
Mrs Divall and Miss Skelton - 06 Dec 2023
This week we had our reception night walk. It was really fun to see the children come back up to school. We walked around the school with our torches and we looked for nocturnal animals. Unfortunately it was very cloudy so it was tricky to see the moon and stars! We are enjoying our topic Starry Night. We have also been learning about the nativity story. We have been learning that the wisemen followed a very bright star. We have been practising our nativity. We are really looking forward to you coming to see our nativity. Please make sure you follow the link to book tickets. Please also make sure you send your child's Christmas jumper in so that they have a festive outfit to wear for the performance. They can also wear trousers, jeans, leggings, or a skirt of your choice. This is due by Friday please.