Mrs Shah Update 20/1/23
20 Jan 2023
This week in English we have been learning about adding the suffix ‘ed’ onto words to show the action has happened in the past. The children have alaso been learning features of a non-chronological report. They have been working hard with other children in the groups to come up with
interesting sentences to write a non-chronological report.
During our Maths lessons we have been learning about ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ within 20. We have also been learning about tens and ones using ten frames, base tens and rekenreks.
During our History lesson this week we created a timeline from 1950s to 2020s and looked at different events that took place within the time frame and sorted them in to different decades. We also focused on learing about life in 1950s. During our Science lesson we continue to learn about the human body, focusing on hearing and how we use our ears to hear, listening to different sounds in the environment.
I would also like to say a huge thank you to all the children and parents for the warm welcome. I can now say I feel setteled and I have got to know all the children and their individual personalities. I will continue to work with them to help them achieve their full potential.
Have a wonderful weekend 😊