Year 1 Summer 1 Week 4
12 May 2022
In English Year 1 have been reading a new focus story called ‘First Day at Bug School’. They practised their skills of using capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, using adjectives and conjunctions to write character descriptions. Then, they learned to use the suffixes -er and -est and sequenced the story.
This week they have been learning about capacity and volume. With water and containers, they explored half full, full, half empty, nearly empty, nearly full and empty. They compared the capacity of different containers too.
In Science the children enjoyed learning about the diets of a variety of animals and discussing whether they were herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. In Art, Year 1 continued to experiment with colour mixing of primary colours to make secondary colours. The children have also started to learn the National Anthem and a dance for the Jubilee.