Aut 1 Week 2- RD
21 Sep 2021
This week was our first full week in Reception and the children were brilliant. In maths, we spoke about our routines of the day and spent lots of time ordering events such as home time, lunch time and carpet time.
We have enjoyed mark making with our friends and we even created a giant collage of places we see in our community such as shops, our school, Tesco and the park.
We have been practicing our rhythms, alliteration and rhyming pairs.
The children are beginning to form friendships with each other and the transition for this week has blown us away :). We went for a walk around the school and the children loved learning where to find different places such as the lunch hall, library and school office.
Don't forget- every Tuesday is PE so your child needs to come into school with their PE kit on.
The Reception Team x