Space- The Moon & The Sun. Week 4
24 Nov 2020
This week in Reception we are carrying on with our learning about Space. We really enjoyed learning about the Solar System and we have been asking our teachers fantastic questions such as:
How is it dark?
Where does the moon go?
Why is the Sun hot?
We learnt about how astronauts live and the children were astonished to learn that things float in Space! We explored the International Space Station website with the children to teach them how to retrieve information using the internet. They really enjoyed exploring the videos, maybe you could have a go at home too:
We will be learning about light and dark and day and night this week. We will discuss what we do during the day and night times and which animals are awake during the day/night. Have a look before bedtime and see if you can see the moon- it has been very bright this week! Talk about the different shapes of the moon too.
In maths this week we have been introduced to the + and = signs and we have been practising how to add two groups of objects together to find the total. Later in the week, we will learn about heavy and light objects and how to compare them to each other.
Please remember to visit Seesaw to complete homework related to this week's learning at school.
The Reception Team x