Summer Term Week 10
Mr. Stephens - 28 Jun 2024
Thank-you for all your support this week.
Mrs. Matthews
Mrs. Matthews has successfully had her surgery and is now recovering. While we don't exactly know when she will return to work, I do know that she is very grateful for your thoughts and support. If you are planning an end of year gift for Mrs. Matthews - worry not! We will ensure that she recieves them all!
Cake Sale
Thank you all for supporting the cake sale. We were overwhelmed by your support.
The weekly spellings for this week are uploaded and follow the following spelling rule: Challenge words. When writing these words in a cursive style, children should not join the letters either side of the apostrophe. Think of it like a 'break' in the word.
Please continue to access Times Table Rockstars. The knowledge and fluency the app develops will be vital as children move up through the school.
We finished our narrative and begin a unit on poetry next week.
We completed activites focusing on multiplying using diagrams and arrays.
This week we studied the blue whale.