Year 2S - Mr Stephens Class News

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Articles 2022-23

Summer Term Week 6

Mr. Stephens - 23 May 2024

And just like that...they're done! 

This week the children in Year 2 completed their SATs. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them and can confidently say that they tried their best and have done themselves proud. Information about results will be shared with you in due course. Please do not pester us! There is a process of moderation that we need to follow to ensure our data is valid and accurate.

Now our assessments are complete we will be returning to our normal Year 2 curriculum and beginning to raise the level of expectations for learning behaviours ready for Year 3. 


We have had a rise in children being sent to school with snacks (for morning break) that are not allowed.
As a school we do not allow:
  • Any food that contains nuts (including chocolate spreads which may contain nuts)
  • Crisps
  • Chocolate
  • Sweets
  • Cakes
  • Pastries, sandwiches or sausage rolls.
Any of these items will be confiscated and given back at the end of the school day. Children in KS1 are given the option of free fruit every day. A tuck shop is also available each day for children to purchase a suitable snack from if children do not bring one in to school.

Examples of suitable snacks can be seen on a poster on the classroom door to 2S.

These are this week's notices:
  • 2S will be taking part in a trial for a new digital reading record system. This will begin on Monday 3rd June. Letters have been sent home to prepare you for this. Please only log reads from your child's levelled book.
  • If you have not already done so please return the slip and pay for the school trip to the Sealife Centre. The trip will be cancelled if costs are not covered sufficiently.
  • Children who need to resit their Year 1 phonics screening assessment will do so in June.
  • Summer uniform (polo t-shirt, shorts, summer dress etc) is now advisable. Children are still expected to wear suitable, all-black footwear. All shirts are expected to be tucked in and top-buttons done up. When it gets hot children will have this rule relaxed in class. 
  • Caps or sunhats are allowed. Please ensure they have your child's name in.
  • Sunglasses are not allowed unless a medical letter is provided by a GP or an optometrist.
  • Additional water breaks will be scheduled on hot days. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school every day. This must contain water. Bottles will be inspected and bottles found breaking the rules will be emptied and filled with fresh water. Freezing the water before school is a good way of ensuring the drink remains cold throughout the day. 
The weekly spellings for this week are uploaded and follow the following spelling rule: Words that include apostrophes for contraction. When writing these words in a cursive style, children should not join the letters either side of the apostrophe. Think of it like a 'break' in the word.

Please continue to access Times Table Rockstars. The knowledge and fluency the app develops will be vital as children move up through the school.

Art and Design

This week we created followers using clay and painted them using bright colours to represent Spring and Summer.


We studied the fuedal system that was brought to England by William the Conquerer after his victory at the battle of Hastings in 1066.

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School will be closed from Thursday 25th July and will re-open on Monday 2nd September.
Please note, voicemail, emails and post are not monitored over holiday periods.

Children will return to school in September on Tuesday 3rd.

If your child is due to start Nursery or Reception in September 24 please do not register for the website until they have started, as approval for these accounts will not be done until then. Thank you.     

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