Autumn Term Week 14
Mr. Stephens - 15 Dec 2023
This will be the final website update for 2023! Hasn't time flown by?
This week we had our nativity performances and we are immensely proud of all of the children. Thank you to all who attended! The Y2 staff would also like to express our gratitude for the gifts you have genorously sent in.
Here are a few notices:
- Next week we will be taking the children on a local walk as part of our Georgraphy topic. We will be walking down to the local newsagents/chip shop and counting the number of pedestrians we see. We will not be sending out letters about this as local visits are included as part of your agreement with the school.
- Next Tuesday (19th December) will be our final day before the winter break.
- On Monday we will have class parties in Year 2 - this will be a non-uniform day. Children are allowed to bring in a snack for this. As the party will be taking place in the afternoon the children will already have had lunch so only a small snack is required. This should come into school in a seperate, clearly labelled bag that is completely seperate from their packed lunch (if applicable). Children will not be allowed ro share food under any circumstances so please don't rush out and buy tray bakes, huge bags of popcorn or sharing bags of snacks. As a reminder, we are a 'no nuts' school as we have children who have severe nut allergies attending.
- Children will return to school on Thursday 4th January 2024.
- Reading levels/books will be updated/changed if applicable when we return. Please keep the reading going over the break and record each read in your child's reading record. So far we've had children have nearly 100 reads recorded with some still yet to hit 25.
Lastly, we would like to wish all of you a restful break (is such a thing even possible with children?). 2024 is an important year for Y2 children as we will be ensuring that we make as much progress before children move into Key Stage 2.