Year 2WO - Miss West & Miss O'Sullivan Class News

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W.B. 2nd September

05 Sep 2024

First of all we would like to say a HUGE welcome back to school and life in Year 2! The children have been fantastic so far and the adults in class have been amazed with their wonderful attitudes and behaviour for learning. Each week we will update you with the weekly learning. A newsletter will be sent out at the end of Week 2 for your information.

This week in English, the children have been recapping skills they have learned in Year 1 before moving onto the Year 2 curriculum. They have been working hard to recognise nouns, adjectives, verbs and remembering how to form and punctuate a sentence.

This week in Maths, the children have been learning about numbers all the way up to 100! They can practise this skill at home by identifying 2 digit numbers, and by counting forwards and backwards from any number within 100. They have also worked hard to identify place value in 2 digit numbers.

Our new topic is called Movers and Shakers. This topic is all about significant individuals in history. To give the children a better understanding of what it means to be significant, they discussed and explained to us about the significant people in their own lives.

We have really enjoyed welcoming the children to their new classes and look forward to getting to know them better over the next few weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year 2 team
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