W.B. 10.2.25
12 Feb 2025
This week the children collected noun phrases to describe Stick Man's senses in various parts of the book. They then used this descriptive language to write recounts to their Stick Lady Love, telling her all about what had happened to them and how they were feeling.
This week we started a new unit of work - multiplication and division. The children did very well with understanding equal and unequal groups. This would be a good time to log into Timestable rockstars and begin learning time tables at home. Year 2 children are expected to know their 2s, 5s and 10s by heart at the end of the school year. As soon as we have covered this in class next half term, weekly timestable tests will begin. The children were all shown how to log into TT Rockstars last Friday during computing.
This week the children enjoyed making palm crosses in RE, to understand things that Christians may do to celebrate Holy Week. We also listened to some traditional songs and hymns that may be played in a Church during Holy Week. This week I realised that 2WO are a class of musicians. They were fantastic at reading crotchet and quaver notation. They wrote their own 4 bar rhythms, then moved around the room clapping out each other's compositions. Very impressive!
Have a wonderful half term, and we will see you back on Tuesday 25th February.