Spring Term Week 5
Mr. Stephens - 02 Feb 2024
These are this week's notices:
- 2S will be making their shoebox streets next week. If you have not sent in an empty shoebox, please ensure this is send on Monday. If you have any spare ones they will be greatfully recieved!
We studied aerial maps of our locality and had a go at drawing them!
We have continued our block of Multiplication and Divison.
To support your child's learning, please ensure they are regularly accessing Times Table Rockstars at home, and please monitor the speed at which they answer questions. A time of under six seconds per question is the expected standard.
We have begun a narrative writing unit. We have been given a model narrative opening and the children have been tasked with continuing the narrative.
We created data tables and bar charts about the growth of chicks in the weeks after they hatch.