Year 2S - Mr Stephens Class News

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Articles 2022-23

Autumn Term Week 6

Mr. Stephens - 12 Oct 2023

This week I'd like to begin with a few notices.

  • Please ensure that children's water bottles only contain water. This is a whole school rule.
  • Children are given multiple opportunities to drink each day. These include during registration, during morning break, at lunchtime and at a natural break in the afternoon (usually around 2pm). If children are ill or are particularly thirsty they can ask for an additional sip as long as this is not during the whole class inputs when children are being taught what to do in the lesson.
  • All children should now be bringing a waterproof jacket/coat into school each day. The weather can change quickly and we'd like everyone to enjoy the outside spaces as much as possible.
  • All packed lunches should be brought into school in the morning with your child. The office staff are very busy and do not have the time to be taking multiple packed lunches around to different classes in the morning. If you are unable to bring in a packed lunch due to the mad rush of the morning - don't panic! All children in KS1 are entitled to a free hot dinner that they can choose from in the mornings. For your convienience this is also displayed on our classroom door.
  • After half term we will be swtiching to Winter uniform. For both boys and girls this will require them to wear a collared shirt and a school tie. Polo shirts are not permitted. A copy of the school's uniform policy is linked below.

  -Brady Primary Uniform Policy 2023.pdf-  

This week's spelling assessment on Spelling Shed is based on a random mixture of Year 2 expected standard spellings. In order to pass English writing in Year 2, children are expected to be able to spell most (~75%) of these correctly come the end of the academic year. We will be practising these in class as well.

During this assessment children are expected to use correct letter formation. Ascending letters should touch the top and bottom of the line and descenders (for the most part) have their main body resting on the line with the 'tails' going below the line. Almost all other letters should be half way between the lines - this is shown with an additional middle line in the example attached below.

Anything that looks ambiguous or like a capital letter will be marked as wrong. Children are not expected to join their writing in the assessment. A copy of the correct lower case letter formation is attached below:

  -Letter Formation Brady Primary School Years 1-6.pdf-  

Children have been set their 2x tables on Times Table Rockstars. We explained to the children that multiplying by 2 is doubling and dividing by 2 is halving. These concepts were taught in Year 1. Children who have answered the 2x tables set in under 6 seconds per question (on average) have now been set the 5 times tables as well. Well done to all who have achieved this!

We will add in more times tables when the speed of your child answering each question is consistently below 6 seconds per question. It is essential that speed is a factor as developing fluency is the entire point of Times Table Rockstars. We recommend using the timed 'Garage' mode to ensure that children are focusing on the times tables set by us.

This week we have been writing recounts about our school trip. Children have been using time conjunctions and personal pronouns in their writing.

This week we have been adding and subtracting numbers using part whole models, bar models and number lines.

We learned about the story of the Good Samaritan and thought carefully about what Jesus was trying to teach the lawyer in the story.

Art & Design
We have continued studying the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We have been finalising the painting of our version of Starry Night and will soon add stencilled templates of the foreground trees.



  • Uniform should have names in. If items are lost we will be directing parents and children to lost property. Staff will not have the time to hunt for lost items!
  • Children can wear summer or winter uniform until half-term. After that point everyone must be wearing winter uniform.
  • All homework will be digital this year - please ensure children have access to a device that has a web browser or apps on. Logins for each service are stuck in on the inside cover of your child's reading record.

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Monday 15th April to Wednesday 24th July 2024

Thursday 4th July - Polling Day - school closed. Children do not attend.
Friday 12th July - INSET day. Children do not attend
Wednesday 24th July - last day of term. Children leave at 1:15pm

Please note, voicemail, emails and post are not monitored over holiday periods.
Children will return to scchool in September on Tuesday 3rd.

If your child is due to start Nursery or Reception in September 24 please do not register for the website until they have started, as approval for these accounts will not be done until then. Thank you.     

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