Autumn Term Week 4
Mr. Stephens - 29 Sep 2023
This week we have been completing our first assessed piece of writing.
Please ensure your children are completing their times table practise on Times Table Rockstars and their spelling practise on Spelling Shed. Letters have been sent home to support you with logging in and where to find the work that has been set.
This weeks spelling pattern on Spelling Shed is: words with 'c' in that makes an 's' sound.
Children have been set their 2x tables on Times Table Rockstars. We explained to the children that multiplying by 2 is doubling and dividing by 2 is halving. These concepts were taught in Year 1.
We will add in more times tables when the speed of your child answering each question is consistently below 6 seconds per question. It is essential that speed is a factor as developing fluency is the entire point of Times Table Rockstars. We recommend using the timed 'Garage' mode to ensure that children are focusing on the times tables set by us.
This week we completed our biographies about the famous civil rights activist, Rosa Parks. The writing we have produced is of a very good standard and I am pleased that most children are making fantastic progress with their joined, cursive handwriting. To support your child further with this at home, please refer to the LetterJoin letter that was previously sent home. This contains the login information.
Next week we will learn about writing recounts.
This week we have learning to compare objects and numbers by using inequality symbols. Next week we will be finishing our 'Place Value' topic and undertaking our first Year 2 assessment in Maths on Wednesday. This will only test what children have been taught.
We read about Neil Armstrong and completed comprehension tasks related to his life.
Art & Design
We have continued studying the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We learned to use different paint brushes and stokes to produce lines of different thicknesses.
We thought computationally. We went outside and assumed the role of a human instructing a computer. This is the beginning of learning to program algorithms in Year 2.
- Uniform should have names in. If items are lost we will be directing parents and children to lost property. Staff will not have the time to hunt for lost items!
- Children can wear summer or winter uniform until half-term. After that point everyone must be wearing winter uniform.
- All homework will be digital this year - please ensure children have access to a device that has a web browser or apps on. Logins for each service are stuck in on the inside cover of your child's reading record.