Autumn Term Week 1
Mr. Stephens - 08 Sep 2023
Welcome back and welcome to Year Two!
The children have settled very well into their new classrooms and routines.
Our first topic of the year is ‘Movers and Shakers’ which is a history-focused topic.
Next week we will be uploading a newsletter and homework ideas to the Year 2 pages.
Our first school trip is on Wednesday 13th September. Please ensure children are wearing suitable shoes and clothing on that day. School uniform must be worn. Parents who volunteered and were randomly selected to come on the trip have been notified by text - if you were not selected - don't worry! We have lots of trips (both local and further away) planned for this year.
In English writing sessions, we have been focusing on our first spelling pattern, -dge (making a j sound). Each child will be given a reading book matching their phonics level on Monday 11th September.
Our first topic is place value and so far we have completed a baseline assessment to target our support to all learners.
We begun the year by focusing on correctly logging in to the Chromebooks. We then practised logging in to Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed. Every child was able to do this successfully!
- Uniform should have names in. If items are lost we will be directing parents and children to lost property. Staff will not have the time to hunt for lost items!
- Children can wear summer or winter uniform until half-term. After that point everyone must be wearing winter uniform.
- All homework will be digital this year - please ensure children have access to a device that has a web browser or apps on. Logins for each service are stuck in on the inside cover of your child's reading record.