Summer Term Week 10
Mr. Stephens - 30 Jun 2023
This week we've enjoyed the warm weather and have worked hard to improve our areas for development.
This week we have finalised our recounts about our science investigation involving plants. Next week we will be moving on to poetry.
We have now completed the Year 2 Maths curriculum for Maths. We will be spending the rest of the year revising, recapping and retrying areas of the curriculum that are current areas for development.
This week we designed Tudor houses. These will eventually form part of our artwork in the style of the artist Jan Griffier.
We have been learning about bullying - what it is, why it is wrong and what the signs of bully are. Children have been taught strategies that can help if they or a friend are being bullied.
- On the final week of term we will be sending the majority of your child's exercise books home with them. Due to the number of exercise books to be sent home we will be doing this across multiple days. Please put a couple of empty carrier bags in your child's bag to assist us with distributing the books. There are far too many to carry in one journey! Some children have worked through 3-4 maths books!