Summer Term Week 9
Mr. Stephens - 23 Jun 2023
This week we've had a fun time in class while the weather has had its ups and downs.
Thank you to all who came to our class assembly - despite the absences and the technical dificulties with the microphone the children did fantastically well!
Next Friday is our belated Mother's Day breakfast in school. If a female relative intends to attend with your child please return the form back ASAP so we know numbers - the Father's Day breakfast was brilliantly attended.
This week we have begun to think about writing a recount of a science investigation. We also studied how to ask questions in a grammatically correct way.
We have started our new topic about position and direction. As of next week we will have completed the Maths curriculum for Year 2. For the rest of the academic year we will be doing revision, project work and Computing activities related to Maths.
This week the children created informative posters where they compared and contrasted different religions.
- As we are now in the Summer term, children should be wearing their Summer uniforms.
- Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name. We have increasing numbers of children losing items of clothing and looking for them will no longer be done by staff. It will be your child's responsibility to locate missing items of clothing outside of lesson time.
- PE will still be on Thursday afternoons this term, so please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit to school on this day.
- Times Table Rockstars challenges have been set for every child (2, 5 and 10 times tables). It is expected that children log in each week several times and practise. Your child's login information is stuck in their reading record.