Summer Term Week 7
Mr. Stephens - 09 Jun 2023
Welcome back to the final half term of this academic year.
Please see the other uploaded post about this half-terms learning for Street Detectives and potential home learning ideas.
Thank you to all who attended our recent 'Shared Learning' afternoon. Hopefully you didnt get covered in too much paint!
2S has their class assembly on Tuesday the 20th of June. Each child has been given a speaking part to memorise.
We have now completed the Year 2 SATs assessments and the papers have been marked. We will now moderate the information we have about each child's learning and make teacher assessment judgements. These will be included in your child's end of year written report that you will recieve in July.
This week we have worked hard to learn which verbs are appropriate to complete sentences (such as is or are) and have created a word bank of useful words or phrases to describe the local church in Wennington.
We have started our new topic about Statistics. In this block children will learn about block graphs and pictograms.
We have started to learn 'The Sunshine Song' which he hope to perform in our forthcoming class assembly.
- As we are now in the Summer term, children should be wearing their Summer uniforms.
- Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name. We have increasing numbers of children losing items of clothing and looking for them will no longer be done by staff. It will be your child's responsibility to locate missing items of clothing outside of lesson time.
- PE will still be on Thursday afternoons this term, so please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit to school on this day.
- Times Table Rockstars challenges have been set for every child (2, 5 and 10 times tables). It is expected that children log in each week several times and practise. Your child's login information is stuck in their reading record.