Spring Term Week 8
Mr. Stephens - 03 Mar 2023
This week we celebrated World Book Day in school.
This week we have begun to plan a narrative by storyboarding it. Next week we will write the beginning and middle of our stories, taking care to ensure that our spelling, punctutation and grammar is accurate.
We have continued our block about Multiplication and Division. Please ensure your child is regularly using Times Table Rockstars to support their learning. From this point onwards, it is imperative that practice of 3 times per week for 5-10 minutes at a time takes place. Most maths questions and problems will assume knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables moving forward. Not knowing each times table quickly is the single biggest cause of children not meeting age-related expectations in Years 2-6 and beyond.
We used compass points to describe the position of cities of the UK in relation to one another.
We designed a microhabitat and discussed what creatures it is suitable and which creatures it is not suitable for.
- Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name. We have increasing numbers of children losing items of clothing and looking for them will no longer be done by staff. It will be your child's responsibility to locate missing items of clothing outside of lesson time.
- PE will still be on Thursday afternoons this term, so please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit to school on this day.
- Times Table Rockstars challenges have been set for every child (2, 5 and 10 times tables). It is expected that children log in each week several times and practise. Your child's login information is stuck in their reading record.