Autumn Term Week 13
Mr. Stephens - 09 Dec 2022
We have been busy rehearsing the KS1 Nativity this week, children are all excited about performing in front of their loved ones this coming Tuesday. Please check your child's bag for tickets if you have ordered them.
English Writing
This week, we have been finishing our sound collector poem using all the grammar taught so far since September.
We have been focusing on shape and column addition this week.
Below is an excellent app for your child to practice maths skills for one minute every day. White Rose Maths is the scheme we currently use at school.
This will support your child’s maths learning at home alongside numbots and timetable rockstars.
All children now have their new Spelling Shed login details inside the front cover of their reading record.
Reading books
We will move children on to the next appropriate book bag book when we have determined that they are reading their current one fluently. The skills of decoding (breaking down into phonetic chunks) and comprehension are important, but we are aiming to develop fluent, confident readers. Moving children on too quickly does not benefit them in the long term.
Your child will still have the opportunity to change their library book each week even if their book bag book is not changed for fluency reasons.