Autumn Term Week 1
Mr. Stephens - 08 Sep 2022
Welcome back and welcome to Year Two!
The children have settled very well into their new classrooms and routines.
Our first topic of the year is ‘Magnificent Monarchs’ which is a history-focused topic.
In English writing sessions, we have been describing real life monarchs and The Little Princess.
For English reading/phonics sessions the teachers have completed a 1:1 assessment of the children’s current understanding of phonics. Each child will be given a reading book matching their phonics level after the inset day on the 19th September.
Our first topic is place value and so far the children have been recognising and using numbers to 20, and also counting to 100 by grouping objects into tens and ones.
We begun the year by focusing on algorithms, using the points of the compass as a guide to explain the directions required to move a person from one place to another.
This week’s activity focused on correctly using and knowing the meaning of the words year, decade and century. We also learnt some monarch-focused language.