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Week 7 Autumn 1

22 Oct 2021

 Just like that, we have come to the end of our first half term!

The children have had a fantastic last week of Autumn 1. 

In Reading, the children got their detective hats on and reviewed a new poem. Although it was a different form of poem to what the children were used to seeing, they did very well when reviewing it.

For our English lessons this week, the children planned, drafted, edited and then wrote the final version of their instructions. I was absolutely thrilled with the work that every one of them produced- well done Year 4.

In French the children have been extending their knowledge by learning about food- my favourite topic, personally! They have shown great understanding in these lessons.

However, the stand out moment from this week has to be finally making our Roman Shields in Design Technology. As you can see in the photos below, the children were amazing. They tried so hard and created some spectacular shields. Let's hope they can withstand in battle!

Thank you for all of your support over this half term. It really has been a wonderful start to the year. Have a great half term. 

Miss Smith






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