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Summer 2 Weeks 6 and 7 4S
17 Jul 2024

Well done for a fantastic two weeks 4S.
We have been very busy!
The children had their transition morning this week, where they met their 'new' teacher and visited their new classroom. We had a fun morning going through some expectations of Year 5 and completing some activities in preparation for their new year group.
In History, we have finished our topic Ancient Civilisations. The childrne have shown great engagement with this topic and have really impressed us with their knowledge and understanding about Ancient Sumer. The children have learnt all about the hierarchy in ancient Sumer, as well as the world's first emperor: Sargon the Great.
In Art we have begun learning all about the artist Roy Lichtenstein. We have explored his work as well as his style of art (Pop Art). The children have made a brilliant start to this unit and have really showcased their art skills. They created some wonderful sketches imitating Lichtenstein's style of work, as well as exploring different powerful statements and poisitive affirmations.
One week left to go!