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Summer 2 weeks 1 and 2 4S
13 Jun 2024
Well done for a brilliant start back to the new half-term, Year 4.
We have started lots of new topics!
In Maths, we began the short unit of Shape. In this unit, we have been exploring angles, turns and lines of symmetry. The children have done well with recognising angles such as acute, obtuse and right angles. They also enjoyed creating symmetric figures and forming shapes with different lines of symmetry. Next week, we will be starting our unit on Statistics.
In English, we have begun our unit where we are preparing to write a Biography. In preparation, we have been recapping key grammatical features in Year 4, such as fronted adverbials, and the children have done well applying these to their writing. We have also been practising using commas in different types of sentences. Next week, we will be writing our first draft, before editing and writing our final draft.
In History, we have started our topic Ancient Civilisations. The children have had a great start to this, showing a good understanding of new vocabulary, and they have enjoyed learning about a civilisation (ancient Sumer) that was around thousands of years ago.
Happy weekend.