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Spring 2 week 2
08 Mar 2024
Well done for another great week, Year 4.
This week, in Geography, we were looking at Ordance Survey maps. We looked at one of the local area of East London, and one of the Lake District. The children learnt how to use 6-figure grid references to locate both human and physical features on the map. It was a tricky concept to understand but the children did a fantastic job.
In Science, we started our new topic all about Living Things and their Habitats. Our first lessons have been exploring the different types of classification of animals, including mammals, amphibians and birds. The children looked at different animals and compared them with similarities and differences, before grouping them.
We also started our new Art topic this week! This unit is all about animals in art. We began by looking at different artists you have used animals to inspire their work. The children then looked at various pieces of artwork, and compared them, as well as discussing the meaning behind the artwork, and what form of medium they believe the artist used.
We also enjoyed World Book Day! The children looked very cosy in your pyjamas, and it was great to hear and read some of the books they enjoy for their bedtime stories.
Happy weekend.