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Spring 1 week 4
26 Jan 2024
Well done for another great week, 4S.
This week, in English, we have started a brand new writing unit. This unit is all about writing a newspaper article. The children have been looking at examples of newspaper articles, and have been learning what key features are found in them. We have then been practising writing in the past tense and third person, as well as working ahrd to use inverted commas for speech.
In Reading, we have continued with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We are no up to chapter 7, and the children have been doing a brilliant job with the book! They have shown a fantastic understanding of the story, have written from the characters' perspectives and have summarised each chapter as we have read. I am so impressed with their engagement!
One of the highlights of the week was our D.T. lesson, where the children were learning how to sew a hem. Year 4 found this very tricky, in particular preparing the needle/tying the knot! However, once we got going some of the children produced some fantastic running stitches. Most of them showed true resilience and persevered with the task.
Happy weekend.