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Spring 1 weeks 1 and 2
12 Jan 2024
Welcome back to a brand new term and calendar year, Year 4.
We have had a great 7 days back at school, with lots of new and revisited learning happening.
In Reading, we have started our new novel for Spring term: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis. The children have been so engrossed in the book already, engaging with the characters and using all of their VIPER skills to analyse the text.
In English, we have begun our new module, which is based on the book 'The Journey'. The children are going to be writing a setting description all about an imaginary magical kingdom, which they can envision whilst they walk through a mysterious door. We have recapped our knowledge on similes and wow vocabulary, as well as learning what fronted adverbials are and how to use them in our writing.
Our topic for this term is '1066', which we have begun in History. We had a brilliant lesson learning about the death of Edward the Confessor, and the fight to take the throne between 4 noble claimants. The children debated in class who should become the next king, using a range of sources to do their research.
Have a lovely weekend.