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Autumn 2 week 7
15 Dec 2023
Nearly Christmas!
This week, we have completed our non-chronological report in English. The children wrote some amazing pieces of work, using the research they had done on teeth. They made sure to include subheadings, write in the third person and present tense. We were so impressed with their work!
In DT, we completed our 'digestive designs'. The children drew onto their t-shirts what the disgestive system looked like, making sure to draw each organ in the correct place and to label them all correctly too. They did a fantastic job and we had a great lesson.
We have also been doing lots of Computing, where the children created sequences and followed instructyions on the coding programme Scratch. They have also been learning about countries around the world who speak French, and placing them on a map.
We can't wait to see as man
y of you as possible at our Carol Concerts!