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Autumn 2 week 6
08 Dec 2023
Nearly at the end of this half-term!
This week in English, the children have been learning some grammatical skills ready to apply in their non-chronological report next week. This included subheadings, present perfect tense and third person. The children were also able to use these skills when writing an informative leaflet. Well done 4S.
In Maths, we completed the first half of our Multiplication and Division topic. We looked at dividing a number by itself and 1, multiplying 3 numbers and multiplying by 0. The children have been fairly confident with their multiplcation skills, and some of that confidence was reflected in their end of unit assessment.
During our Reading lessons, we have continued reading our class novel Rumblestar. The class have got invested in the characters, and have been able to describe what their personalities are like and how they have changed over the course of the book. The children have also used their inference, vocabulary and explanation skills this week.
Have a lovely weekend.