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Autumn 2 week 5
01 Dec 2023

Well done for another great week, 4S. This week, it has been assessment week. The childre have completed a spelling, Reading and GPS paper (grammar, punctuation and spelling). They also completed two maths papers: arithmetic and reasoning/problem solving. The children worked very hard and mostly did well in their assessments. We now know what areas that we need to recap/improve on for the rest of the year.
We have also had some fun! We have completed some French lessons. In these lessons, the children have been learning the phonectical sounds in French, including 'ch', 'oi' and 'ou'. They have been putting these sounds into context with new words/vocabulary.
Also this week, we have been continuing to look at the human digestive system in Science and D.T. The children planned their digestive designs in D.T., ready to draw them on their t-shirts next week. We had some brilliant designs made, with the organs all in the correct places and labelled correctly.
We have also been doing lots of singing to practise for our upcoming carol concert. 4S are brilliant performers and enjoy singing for a crowd!
Have a lovely weekend.