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Autumn 2 week 2
10 Nov 2023
Well done for another great week, 4S.
In Science, we have been looking in detail at the different types of teeth. The children have shown a great understanding of this, and have been very engaged with the topic so far. This week, we used mirrors to look at what teeth we have, ncluding how many adult/baby teeth, and what types they are.
During our RE lesson, we looked at the celebration Diwali. We had a brilliant assembly from Mrs Shah who told us lots of facts about Diwali, including: why people celebrate it, how they celebrate and different items used during it. The children really enjoyed learning about Diwali, and we had a fantastic lesson after the assembly where the children taught me lots of facts!
In Maths, we have begun our unit Multiplication and Division. So far, we have learnt the 3, 6 and 9 times table. Those children who practise their times tables regularly at home have found their strength in this unit. Please ensure that your child is practising their times tables at least once a week at home.
Don't forget, Parent Consultations are next Tuesday 14th November. If you have not booked your appoinment yet, please make sure to do so.
Happy weekend.