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Autumn 1 week 5
06 Oct 2023
Well done for a fantastic week, 4S!
In Maths, we have started our new unit 'Addition and Subraction'. The children have been adding 4 digit numbers with and without exchanging. They have excelled at this, and have been working very hard, resulting in some brilliant maths discussions and work being completed.
During Reading, we finished our first novel: The Firework Maker's Daughter. The class were very engaged with this book, and showed real enjoyment whilst reading it. They all wrote a book review and discussed what their favourite parts were, and what lessons they learnt.
In RE, we began learning about Judaism. This included learning key facts such as their place of worship, Holy Book, dress code and different festivals. The children were respectful during the lesson, and were able to recall key information afterwards.
Below are pictures

of the children completing their Boudicca portraits, and painting them.
Have a lovely weekend.