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Welcome to Year 4
21 Sep 2023
Welcome to a brand new year!
Year 4 have been settling into new routines well and trying their best to meet the new expectations set for them.
Maths, we have been working on our place value. This has included finding 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 more or less of a number. We have also been comparing numbers up to 10,000 and using a number line to estimate.
For our
History lessons, we have been looking at the different groups of people who invaded Britain after the Roman withdrawal. This week, we focussed on the Anglo-Saxon invasion, and the legacy that they left behind. The children created pieces of role play to showcase what life was like as an Anglo-Saxon.
In Reading, we have started our first novel: The Firework Maker's Daughter, by Philip Pullman. The children have really enjoyed the beginning of the book, and have used their inference, retrieval and vocabulary skills in our lessons.