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Week 5 Summer 1
07 Jul 2023
Well done for another great week Year 4.
This week we had our class assembly! Thank you so much to everyone that came to watch. The children did so, so well. They all remembered their lines, performed with expression and did us so proud.
In Maths, we have been learning about position and direction. The children have done well with co-ordinates, remembering that we go to the x axis before the y axis. They have also been learning about how to translate shapes and co-ordinates on a grid.
During our English lessons, the children have been basing their writing on a short film called 'The Present'. They have been focussing on prepositions and body language, describing a character's emotions using only clues from their facial expressions.
Today is Sports Day! We can't wait to see the children participate in the races- especially the water one!
Have a lovely weekend.