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Week 3 Summer 1
05 May 2023
This week, the children have been working very hard. What with a Bank Holiday on Monday, the week has gone very fast!
In English, the children wrote their final draft of their non-chronolgical report all about teeth. They were amazing! The children included sub-headings, wrote in third person and included some very interesting facts.
During Science, the children were exploring the human digestive system in more detail, looking at what the function of each organ is. This included the stomach, the intestines and the rectum. The children have been very sensible during this learning and can recall some great facts.
In RE, we have began learning about how believers show their commitment. During our lesson this week, we looked at ceremonies such as Baptism, Confirmation and the Sacred thread. The children then created role paly and posters based on these ceremonies and compared them.
Happy long weekend.